Tenders, Quotations & Expressions of Interest
Narrabri Shire Council generally purchases goods, services and works via quotes and tenders. Open/current tenders, quotations, and expressions of interest are listed here when they become available.
Narrabri Shire Council invites quotations for the following items;
Narrabri Shire Council has no current request for Quotations
Expressions Of Interest
Please find below the list of current expressions of interest that are active in Narrabri Shire:
Narrabri Shire Council has no current Expressions of Interest
Current Tenders
Please find below the list of Current Tenders by Narrabri Shire Council:
Narrabri Shire Council has no Current Tenders
Tenders Received
Please find below the list of relevant Tenders Received by Narrabri Shire Council:
2024-25-12 - Selina Street Reservoir Stair Access
Name of tenderer (in alphabetical order):
- Metric PCM Pty Ltd
- Wallace Construction Services Pty Ltd
2024-25-13 - NWMF Expansion Cell Development 2 & 3 EIS
Name of tenderer (in alphabetical order):
- Epic Environmental Pty Ltd
- GeoLInk Consulting Pty Ltd
- GHD Pty Ltd
2024-25-14 - Gwabegar Flood Study
Name of tenderer (in alphabetical order):
- Alluvium Consulting Australia
- Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Ltd
- Engeny Australia Pty Ltd
- GS Consult
- JBA Pacific Scientists and Engineers Pty Ltd
- J.C. Engineers Pty. Ltd
- JJ Ryan Consulting Pty Ltd
- Water Modelling Solutions (WMS)
- WRM Water & Environment Pty Ltd