Parks and Gardens
Progress is continuing on the ashes interment wall at Narrabri Lawn Cemetery.
General town maintenance and graffiti removal is continuing across Narrabri.
Remote supervision signage is underway in Wee Waa.
Gately Field
Works on the Gately Field irrigation upgrade are currently underway. The duration of works will be approximately four weeks (weather permitting).
The works will include periods of limited or no access to the carpark. Other interruptions may occur during the construction period. Council is requesting that residents and users of the facilities adhere to all signage. Any clubs or associations that may be directly impacted by these works have been notified.
Works on the clubhouse and amenities block are continuing and remain on track for completion.
Roads Maintenance Program
Click here to view this week's Road Maintenance Program update.
Lake Circuit Road upgrade
Other works
Floodway works on Culgoora Road are continuing, with concrete poured for the cause way. Detours remain via Yarrie Lake Road. Side roads along the route, including CSIRO Road, Gurleigh Lane and Kiandool Road, remain open to local traffic.
Sealing works on Pilliga Road are continuing.
The heavy patching program is continuing along the Kamilaroi Highway, addressing surface deterioration and generally improving road safety.
Works are ongoing on the upgrade for Harparary Road, which is progressing as planned.
The kerb and gutter replacement program on Maitland Street, Wee Waa is continuing.
Head stock for Tullamullan Bridge is being completed.
Gravel resheeting works are continuing along Tulladunna Lane.
Removal of the side track at Killarney Gap Road at Fordhams Gully is progressing, following completion of the flood approaches.
Air scouring
Air scouring works of the water supply are continuing to take place in Narrabri on the western side of Namoi Creek. The project aims to improve water quality in the affected areas.
Residents have been notified and further communications have been published on Council's social media, including a weekly schedule as to where air scouring works are taking place.
Notices state that the works are of a six to seven-hour duration (starting at 9.00am), however, each block/property will only experience a water outage for a maximum of two hours during this time.
February PFAS test results
The February testing results have once again identified PFAS levels below the current Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
This means that the Narrabri Town Water Supply continues to be safe for consumption.
Council will continue to test the water supply monthly and report back to residents.
NSW Health is recommending that any private bore owners consider testing their groundwater.
Information regarding groundwater and testing can be found at: