Emergency Kit

Every home should have an emergency kit in case you need to leave quickly, or if there is no electricity or running water. A waterproof bag or plastic storage container is recommended. Everyone in the household should know where to find the kit if they are home alone.

The items on this list are suggestions for people living in various situations. Choose items that meet the needs of your individual household and aim to pack as little as possible at the last minute.

Your Home Emergency Kit should contain:

  • Portable radio with spare batteries
  • Torch with spare batteries
  • First aid kit (with supplies necessary for your household)
  • Candles and waterproof matches
  • Important papers including emergency contact numbers
  • Waterproof bag for valuables

If you are required to leave your property, place in your Home Emergency Kit:

  • A good supply of required medications
  • Any special requirements for babies, the disabled, infirm and/or elderly
  • Strong shoes
  • Fresh food and drinks

Keep your Home Emergency Kit in a waterproof storage container.

On a regular basis, check (remember to check use-by dates on batteries and gloves) and re-stock items if you need to.

Also, keep a list of emergency numbers on your fridge.

SES Emergency Kit Guide and Checklist