Crime Prevention

Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Plan 2024-2028 cover.png

While local government contributes significantly to safer community environments and crime prevention through community development services, the overall responsibility and strategic direction for crime prevention are established by the NSW Government. Local councils play a vital role in creating vibrant and safe communities, but the broader policy and coordination efforts are driven by the state government. Additionally, the Local Government NSW (LGNSW) advocates for community safety and crime prevention issues on behalf of local government and their communities to ensure a collaborative endeavour to assist the NSW Government.

The Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Plan 2024-2028 was created in consultation with the Narrabri Shire community, Oxley Police District, the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Committee and key community agencies, organisations and service providers

The Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee is an Advisory Committee to Council that meets on a quarterly basis. The key responsibilities of the Committee are: 

(a) Monitor implementation of the Strategy and provide recommendations for any updates to the document. 

(b) Provide advice and recommendations on Council policies, procedures and processes that impact on community safety and crime prevention. 

(c) Assist in seeking funding for to aid the implementation of actions and projects identified in the Strategy. 

(d) To assist Council in identifying opportunities to educate our community and raise awareness on community safety and crime prevention.

Related Documents & Links

Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Plan 2024-2028(PDF, 1MB)
Crime Prevention Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 158KB)
Crime Prevention Committee EOI Form(PDF, 88KB)


Below you'll find Council's historic strategies and plans.