Community Financial Assistance Grants

Narrabri Shire Council’s Community Financial Assistance Grant supports the delivery of projects and activities that pursue our values of a connected, unique, and culturally rich community.

Program Objective

Community groups play a vital role in strengthening our local communities. Whether it’s by bringing people together, improving local facilities, providing training and skill development, or encouraging community engagement and participation.

Narrabri Shire Council’s Community Financial Assistance Grant supports the delivery of projects and activities that pursue our values of a connected, unique, and culturally rich community.  The Community Financial Assistance Grant aims to support and empower local clubs and not-for-profit community organisations to deliver activities, programs, and events that contribute to the economic, infrastructure, social connections, and vibrancy of Narrabri Shire.

The Community Financial Assistance Grant provides the basis for Council to allocate funds under Section 356 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (NSW) in an equitable manner, based on the individual merits of requests for Council financial assistance, donations, in-kind support and/or sponsorships.

The Community Financial Assistance Grant is designed to assist our community’s development, provide funding for capacity-building events, projects, programs, and activities that benefit the people and the Shire.

The financial support offered through Council’s Community Financial Assistance Grant seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Increase the range of, and access to, recreational, social, cultural, and environmental activities, programs, and services to the people of Narrabri Shire.
  • Encourage a sense of community pride that allow communities to promote their towns and villages through promotional activities.
  • Reflect the community’s priorities and vision
  • Provide for the inclusion and participation of all members of the community that enable vulnerable individuals and groups to participate in local activities and opportunities.
  • Foster community partnerships and encourage cooperation between community groups, organisations, and Council to ensure that residents and organisations benefit from common resources.
  • Promote Narrabri Shire as a vibrant, diverse place to live and visit.

Funding Timeline and Amounts

Please note: Round 2 applications are now closed.

The Community Financial Assistant Grant (CFAG) funding bucket is capped at $40,000.

Council would like the funding bucket distributed to as many Narrabri LGA-based organisations as possible. 

As a guide, we suggest requests for general projects are up to $3,000, while proposals for whole-of-community events and activities (participation of more than 3,000 people) up to $5,000 per application. 

Grant proposals cannot proceed until Funding Deeds are signed.

Preparation for the Application

  • Read the Policy Guidelines
  • Book into the online webinar and application tutorial
  • Prepare a project budget
  • Know the timelines of the project
  • Include the following supporting documentation
    - Quotes
    - Proof of Organisation or Entity structure;
    - A valid and current Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $20,000,000;At least one letter of support from a stakeholder;
    - Copy of a bank statement for the entity’s bank account that they will nominate for the funds to be paid into;
    - A profit and loss, income statement, financial report, or bank statement showing current balance and transaction listings for up to six months;
    - Evidence of authority from relevant landowners, if the applicant does not own the land upon which the Eligible Activity is to take place;
    - Evidence of contributions, both financial and in-kind, from other entities 


Clause 4.1 of the Community Financial Assistance Grant policy:

In order to be eligible for a Community Financial Assistance Grant, applicants must be:

(a) A registered not-for-profit organisation;

(b) An incorporated community group;

(c) An unincorporated community group that meets the criteria at clause 4.2 below;

(d) A community group that is affiliated that meets the criteria at clause 4.2 below;

(e) A registered sporting club that has a management committee and meets the criteria at 4.2 below;

(f) A school P&C Committee;

(g) A partnership arrangement between an eligible entity and a non-eligible entity;

(h) A not-for-profit Childcare Facility; or

(i) A registered charity.

Clause 4.2 of the Community Financial Assistance Grant policy:

Unincorporated groups, sporting clubs, or unincorporated affiliated groups must meet all of the below criteria in order to be eligible:

(a) A formal documented structure that establishes a management committee and governs the way the organisation operates;

(b) A management committee; and

(c) A bank account in the name of the group that requires at least two signatories to authorise

Ineligible Entities and Activities

Clause 4.7 of the Community Financial Assistance Grant policy:

The following are ineligible to receive a Community Financial Assistance Grant:

(a) Individuals or unincorporated groups (ie teams);

(b) Unincorporated or unaffiliated individuals and groups;

(c) Groups without formal structures;

(d) Entities that seek to make profit, make profit, or operate for private gain;

(e) Government departments, agencies, bodies, or entities;

(f) Political parties or entities closely associated with political parties;

(g) Entities that have received a Community Grant, Community Sponsorship, or Community Financial Assistance Grant for two consecutive years, in the preceding three years regardless of their proposal’s merit;

(h) Entities that have received a Community Grant, Community Sponsorship, or Community Financial Assistance Grant in an earlier round in the financial year for a similar activity;

(i) Entities that have received a Community Grant, Community Sponsorship, or Community Financial Assistance Grant in the previous financial year for a similar proposed activity.

(j) Entities that do not produce a current certificate of currency for the requisite amount set out in this policy; and/or

(k) Entities that have previously breached Council’s funding deeds for Community Grants, Community Sponsorships, or Community Financial Assistance Grants.

Clause 4.8 of the Community Financial Assistance Grant policy:

The following activities or proposals for activities are ineligible for the award of a Community Financial Assistance Grant:

(l) Donation of Council rates;

(m) Concessional use of The Crossing Theatre;

(n) Uniforms, accommodation, or travel costs associated with regional or state representation;

(o) Proposals that have not considered accessibility, diversity, inclusion or do not have regard for Narrabri Shire’s Community Strategic Plan;

(p) Proposals that otherwise do not address or meet all of the activity requirements outlined above;

(q) Proposals for general running costs;

(r) Activities that have already commenced or been completed;

Support and Contact

If you need assistance after reading the Community Financial Assistance Grant Policy and reviewing the application, please contact the Narrabri Shire Council’s grants team at (02) 6799 6866 or

Information Links