Economic Development Strategy and Regional Workforce Skills Strategy
The core objective of economic development is to make life better for all people.
In October 2023, Narrabri Shire Council endorsed the 2023 – 2032 Economic Development Strategy and Regional Workforce and Skills Strategy. These documents build upon a vision, shared by Council and Community for a strong and vibrant region.
Narrabri Shire's Economic Development Strategy 2023 – 2032 and Regional Workforce and Skills Strategy aim to boost the local economy by diversifying industries, addressing limitations, and celebrating our unique assets. They seek maximise opportunities for growth in the Narrabri region.
The Narrabri Shire's Economic Development Strategy for 2023-2032, along with our Regional Workforce and Skills strategy, takes a wholistic approach to boost our economy. The core objectives focus on diversification, overcoming limitations, celebrating our assets, and leveraging opportunities for growth in the Narrabri region.
The Narrabri Shire Economic Development Strategy and Regional Workforce and Skills Strategy 2023 – 2032 was proudly funded by the NSW Government.

Workforce and Skills Strategy(PDF, 25MB)
Economic Development Strategy(PDF, 27MB)