Write Time Write Place ignites young imaginations!

Published on 16 May 2024

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‍A unique two-day natural history writing, and illustration workshop has seen young people aged 12 and above explore and express their creativity. 

Held over the school holidays, the “Write Time Write Place” workshop, was aimed towards Aboriginal and marginalised youth who have artistic potential, enjoy science, or want to improve their observation and writing skills.

A collaboration between the New England Writers Centre and Narrabri Shire Library, the workshop included a guided tour of the Aboriginal Deriah Area by Aboriginal Heritage Officer Steven Booby. A guided tour of Mount Kaputar National Park was also provided by its Parks and Wildlife Cultural Officer Louisa Andersen.

Participants were further inspired by the workshop’s facilitators – renowned Kamilaroi artist Tania Hartigan, as well as biologist, author, and illustrator James O'Hanlon.

Narrabri Shire Council Mayor Darrell Tiemens said the “Write Time Write Place” workshop provided a range of opportunities to increase awareness of Gomeroi culture, stories, and language.

“By increasing this awareness, the workshop helped to create a sense of pride and of belonging which was translated by these young people into written stories and illustrations,” Mayor Tiemens said.

“It further allowed them to explore the rich natural history of our region and draw inspiration from the remarkable environment, while bringing together the fields of art, science, and literature.

“This saw these young creatives treated to an inspiring learning experience,” Mayor Tiemens added.

Mayor Tiemens thanked everyone who contributed to the workshop.

“I’d particularly like to thank Steven and Louisa for their guided tours, as well as Tania and James for further making this workshop so special for these young participants.

“These presenters and facilitators helped ensure the “Write Time Write Place” workshop delivered such incredible inspiration for its young participants.”

The "Write Time Write Place” workshop was funded by the NSW Government’s Holiday Break Program.