Narrabri Shire staff shortlisted as Emerging Leaders

Published on 14 May 2024

Narrabri Shire Council Building.jpg

Two Narrabri Shire staff members have been shortlisted as finalists in the Emerging Leader category for this year’s NSW Local Government Excellence Awards.

Small Business Liaison Officer Gillian Goddard and Manager Regulatory Compliance Landon Brady were both named as finalists in the highly competitive category.

Narrabri Shire Council General Manager Rob Williams congratulated Ms Goddard and Mr Brady on being recognised in the excellence awards.

“To have two of our staff members named as finalists in what is a very competitive category in the Local Government Excellence Awards is outstanding,” Mr Williams said.

“Both Gillian and Landon are worthy nominees and finalists for the Emerging Leader Award. They have both demonstrated great dedication and leadership, not just within Council, but in our wider community.”

Mayor Darrell Tiemens added his praise for the nominees.

“I am incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication shown by our staff, and it’s wonderful to see Gillian and Landon being recognised for their contributions,” Mayor Tiemens said.

“Working with the staff of Narrabri Shire Council provides a clear insight into the talent that we have within the organisation, and I wish both Gilly and Landon all the very best for the upcoming award ceremony.”

The Emerging Leader Award recognises a rising star, aged 35 or under, currently working in local government. The Award recognises young professionals who have already made a notable contribution to the sector and demonstrated the potential for leadership and continuing service.

Ms Goddard expressed her gratitude in being named as a finalist.

“It is an honour to be recognised as a finalist, among many dedicated Local Government professionals across New South Wales,” Ms Goddard said.

“It’s an even greater privilege to serve local businesses, the community in this organisation, alongside my colleagues in my role each day - this nomination is also recognition of them.” 

Mr Brady echoed Ms Goddard’s sentiments.

“I am honoured to be nominated as a 2024 Emerging Leader in the NSW Local Government Excellence Awards,” he said.

“Working in every level of government in my very short career has shaped and moulded my holistic view of politics and government processes but no experience has given me the growth that Local Government has”.

Winners will be announced at the LG Awards Dinner on Thursday, 6 June 2024.

More information about the awards can be found at