Statement from Narrabri Shire Council Mayor Darrell Tiemens
“Our local police have announced they have apprehended an alleged perpetrator relating to the recent vandalism act at the Wee Waa Multi-Purpose Courts.
“I would like to thank the Wee Waa police for their diligence in investigating this matter, which is now in the hands of the justice system.
“I would also like to thank New South Wales Premier Chris Minns and Member for Barwon Roy Butler MP for their support, including their swift condemnation of this vandalism, which involved antisemitic and racist slurs.
“Thanks to the hard work of Council staff, the multi-purpose courts have now been re-opened and are available for use. The affected section of the courts has been covered, and contractors will be replacing this section next week.
“Finally, I’d like to thank the Wee Waa community for their patience during this time.
“I understand this incident upset many in the community – not least due to the damage caused to the new Wee Waa facility, but also the nature of the vandalism itself.
“As I previously stated - this kind of hate goes against our values as a welcoming community, of which so many of our residents contribute enormously to making our Shire such a wonderful place to live.”