Flood Immunity Feasibility Study underway for Wee Waa

Published on 14 May 2024

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Narrabri Shire Council has kicked off the Wee Waa Flood Immunity Feasibility Study holding a meeting with key stakeholders.

Council representatives met with local and regional SES representatives and specialist consultants to discuss the pinch points between Narrabri and Wee Waa (via Yarrie Lake Road and Culgoora Road).

$82,595 from reserves was endorsed by Council at the July 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting to complete a Wee Waa Flood Immunity Feasibility Study, with Council engaging Metis Engineering to project manage and Alluvium Consulting to complete the works.

Narrabri Shire Mayor Darrell Tiemens said the Flood Immunity Feasibility Study is a major milestone in the community’s journey to flood preparedness.

"Wee Waa's preparedness against flooding is paramount for the safety and wellbeing of our community. This feasibility study marks a significant step towards ensuring that our towns are better prepared and protected against future flood events,” said Mayor Tiemens.

“By working closely with SES representatives and expert consultants, we aim to develop effective solutions that will enhance our flood preparedness. We're committed to keeping our residents informed and involved throughout this crucial project."

As part of the Flood Immunity Feasibility Study the following will be completed:

Hydrological Assessment:
Analysis will include relative impact of flooding, magnitude, and timing of flooding so the combination of events can be fully understood. Analysis will also include the flood warning time currently available for both Narrabri and Wee Waa and emergency services locations, so the evacuation route and options are coordinated with flood behaviour of both towns.

Alternate Route Assessment:
Alluvium Consulting will identify key areas of concern along the routes that will need further analysis and potential upgrade works to improve flood immunity. An assessment of each route will be undertaken to identify the ‘preferred route’.

Options Analysis:
Alluvium Consulting will provide Council with a range of options to address various flood levels along the route. Options will include details such as concept design (e.g. culvert configuration) and areas identified as requiring upgrade works.

Cost Benefit Analysis:
Alluvium Consulting will identify benefits resulting from each potential improvement project and estimate the benefit including (but not limited to) level of flood immunity, resident evacuation ability and cost of not undertaking the improvement.

A report summarising these studies will be presented to Council for determination.

Council will consult with the community and provide updates as the project progresses.