Council accepts $3.2 million contribution towards Boggabri projects

Published on 01 February 2023

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Narrabri Shire Council General Manager, Rob Williams, has welcomed a $3.2 million contribution from Whitehaven Coal to assist in providing public infrastructure, amenities, and services to benefit the Boggabri community.

The funds will allow the Council (in consultation with the community) to identify and fund new projects in the local community, including infrastructure and community facilities, as well as upgrades to existing infrastructure, local parks, and other community spaces.

From early March Council will hold community workshops in Boggabri to prioritise the projects residents would like to see carried out. There have been several projects in Council’s strategic plan that the community identified as important to them in the past – with Council wanting to gauge if these projects remain high on the community’s wish list.

“The contribution is from a development levy for Whitehaven Coal’s Vickery extension project,” Williams said.

“As with all funding, there are guidelines on how the money can be spent, and this will be fully explored at the workshops. We will seek a consensus on the best and most equitable way in which the money can be invested to provide public infrastructure, amenities, and services that leave tangible outcomes for the future of Boggabri.”

Whitehaven Coal General Manager (Community Engagement) Darren Swain said the cash injection is a great chance to future proof Boggabri.

 “The contribution presents a terrific opportunity for the people of Boggabri. This funding can create real, long-lasting benefits for the community, and we are looking forward to seeing which projects are prioritised,” Swain said.

Dates of the workshops will be announced in February, with Council encouraging the community to attend and share their thoughts.