Changed Traffic Conditions - Newell Highway, Narrabri
Published on 01 May 2023
Transport for NSW is doing essential maintenance works on the Newell Highway in Narrabri on 6 May 2023.
Narrabri Shire Council will deliver the work, including resealing the road surface in four locations in Narrabri between the Lloyd Street intersection and Wee Waa Road intersection on the Newell Highway.
Crews will work between 9.00am and 5.00pm on Saturday, 6 May and expect to complete the work in one day, weather permitting. Council will advise residents in advance if additional works need to be carried out outside of these times.
Single lane closures, intermittent stopping and a 40km/h speed limit will be in place during work hours and may affect travel times. Please keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and signs.
For the latest traffic updates, call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App
![Resealing Works - May 6 .png](/files/assets/public/v/1/resealing-works-may-6.png?w=1101&h=658)